This is just a theory for right now, I’d love to actually try implementing it and see how it goes. Either that, or find more sources for the reasons behind it. But is this the type of content that I’d like to publish? Well if it works for me, I can document my experience

  • reflect
    • why are you feeling this way?
      • Is it because you need a break
      • is it because you aren’t enjoying what you’re doing
  • forgive
    • basics of karma - your current self has no power over your past circumstances, only the
  • Start fresh & let go of your expectations
    • let go of the hustles culture, the needs of yourself
    • Flow vs Wanting - Rumi

      “When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.”

      • Rumi
      Link to original
  • get clear
    • understand your purpose
    • understand your roadmap
  • Get excited
    • do something that you enjoy
    • screw your goals, your purpose, your duty. What is the most exciting thing that you could work on right now?
  • win
    • smallest win possibles
    • this could be something as basic as making your bed or taking a shower. It can be completely unrelated, or it can be the direct next step in what you want to achieve
      • honestly, doing something totally unrelated to get your body moving, clean, and refreshed, or cleaning your environment can provide some really great forward momentum by getting yourself moving and feeling good
      • cleaning your space is a really good activity, a cleaner environment will lead to a cleaner mental space
        • Source - Dr.K?
    • Whatever it is, make sure that you break it down into the most incredibly easy steps, and it has the ability to be completed.
    • Make it so clear that your instructions could sufice for someone who has never done it before
    • also, you want to make it completable. nothing like “update resume” where the end is abstract. you can always be updating your resume. instead, choose something like “list out 5 biggest responsibilities of last job”
    • This could be something totally unrelated, like exercising
  • extra credit
    • help someone else
      • sometimes we get wrapped up in wanting to fix ourselves, we loose ourselves in our own ego
      • sometimes the best way to get out of a rut is to go outside of yourself and serve a greater cause, such as helping someone else
      • get on a call with someone who needs advice. chat with a friend. donate a few dollars to charity or go voluteer for an hour