starting a digital detox on 3/9/2024

  1. No watching anything with lunch/ dinner
  2. Videogames/anime only from after workout is completed until 9pm
  3. No recreational videogames/anime alone
  4. No multitasking at work
  5. No social media (Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook)
  6. No phone in the bathroom


  1. Max 1hr/ day of Youtube and articles
  2. Check email only once per day
  3. No leisure activities on laptop
  4. Decrease digital hoarding and clutter

march 10th

  • archived my whole personal email inbox (>600 emails)
  • removed almost 700 videos from my watch later list on youtube
    • down to like 20 videos now

march 13th

  • have been consistent with meditation and journaling practice every morning
  • have found that restricting my time on youtube has had a positive impact so far
    • i’ve been going for higher quality things
    • the first couple of days i spent watching some more generic videos and realizing just how low value a lot of this stuff is
    • so now i’ve been pushing for more in depth, higher quality, podcast style, longer form content on youtube