Dr.K Tantra Meditation Lecture


  • the rishis developed tantras

    • rishi - means seer
  • we have the material world

    • what we can feel, etc. with our senses
    • we developed technology - ex. microscopes and telescopes to see things we normaly cant
    • then, we were able to see through the human body
      • we developed x-rays
      • then, IV contrast
  • and we have the non-material world

    • ex. a thought
      • science can’t dig in deeper here yet, so…
    • the rshis did the same thing as above, they developed technology to see further into the non-material world
      • developed the telescope, microscope, etc. for the human mind

the rshis discovered that there’s 3 things reality is made up of

  1. conciousness
    • (shiva or brahman)
    • cosmic conciousness
    • when a small amount of conciousness coalesces, it creates a large amount of energy (C=Ep^2)
  2. energy
    • (shakti or prana)
    • potential, kinetic energy, etc.
    • when a small amount of conciousness energy, it creates a large amount of matter (E=mc^2)
    • when you work at the level of energy, you can affect a lot of matter
      • look at breaking chemical bonds, or nuclear devices
  3. matter
    • (anu)
    • things like atoms
    • this is where we normally operate

example: 2 people have a goal to get an A in the class

  • if they have the same IQ, same goal, etc
  • when it comes to manifestation, one person could get an A and the other will not
    • you can say physical resources - access to textbook, time, etc, but that might not explain everything
  • there’s some variable on the layer of conciousness that separates the two
    • the rshis found that there’s a “source code” to the universe
      • by editing the things at this level, we can create energetic and physical manifestations
  • Dr.K was given a mantra, chanted it for 5 years, and became a statistical outlier, getting into med school and practicing at harvard
    • he attributes this to chanting the mantra
    • everything else was the same. the only thing that changed was this

if you act at the level of conciousness, it will cascade down to the material world

  • tantra is the process of understanding what in the material world correlates with what in the true nature of reality
  • and then harnessing those


  • with technology, there’s some place you can go, type a couple keystrokes, and wipe out an entire city with a nuclear bomb
    • unless you understand the tech involved, this seems like utter magic/craziness
  • dealing with waterborne illnesses in Africa
    • a professor went over, and realized their water well was being infected by the nearby latrine
    • “sometimes people just get sick”
    • guy went over and said you need to put a cemented well in and not let ground water go in
      • Why? You won’t get sick.
      • Why? Because of micro-organisms
      • Cool, show me. I can’t
      • How do you know? There’s an instrument called a microscope
    • this is where we are with tantra

the rishis found the right formulas, peices, etc. to put together in order to create certain effects

there are two things that are necessary

Core Principles

1.for anything to exist in the universe, it must have shiva and shakti

  • shakti = energy and shiva = conciousness
  • any time you struggle, there will be a defecit in one of those things
    • what is struggle?
      • trying to manifest something - ex. getting more fit, getting a grade, making money
    • failure to manifest is one of two things
      • lack of conciousness, will or intent
        • ex. serial failed entreprenuers, tons of energy, but hopping from project to projext
      • lack of energy
        • ex. people who have lots of ideas, but no energy or action behind it
  • any tantric practice you do will improve your relationship to these two
    • your energy and your will will become bound as a side effect to tantra practice
    • you’re connecting to the two, and there will be manifestation
  • there must be a concept, and energy or material in order to manifest something


  • tantra comes from the root words
    • tanoti - expansion
    • trayati - liberation
    • also means “technique”
  • these are spiritual techniques to harness energies of existence and manifest
    • yoga/buddhism is very different, focused on absolving our desires, breaking the cycle of birth and death
    • whereas tantra is about harness energies to create what you want
      • wealth, power, spirtual strength

basic tools

  • mantra
    • a chant, vibration, or syllables that are stringed together
    • ex. a magic spell
    • there are 12 beej mantras
      • fundamental building blocks of the universe
      • there are some transcendant qualities or essences to existence
        • this is something you have to experience, isn’t the most logical to explain
        • 1st quality of existence - it exists
          • there’s a unit of “is”-ness of being, existence
          • when its manifested in sound, its ohm
          • the fundamental oscillation of the universe
          • ex. love is an essence, but is manifested in various ways
            • “love” the letters
            • a family relationship
            • a romantic relationship
            • when my animal sits on my lap
            • a poem
          • the transcendant concept of existance as a quality, is ohm
            • fundemental oscillation
            • there’s this unmanifest thing called conciousness that vibrates at certain frequencies
            • ohm manifests existence
        • another ex.
          • duality of things
          • pay attention to breath - the sound of breath
          • can go to an ocean and you’ll hear the same sound in your breath
          • as you look at other things, you’ll hear it in the wind, etc.
          • discovered duality - fundemental attribute of the universe,
            • inhale, exhale,
            • up, down
            • hot cold
            • positive, negative
        • 12 fundemental qualities that make up the universe
          • fusion, transformation, etc.
      • as you put together these mantras in certain ways, you will activate energies of the universe and make a particular manifestation
    • mantra is on the level of sound and vibration
      • ex. mantra/vibration is a form, like a guitar
        • music requires a certain amount of form, but also requires a certain amount of energy to put into it
  • yantra
    • this is the “form”, physical manifestation of an abstract “essence”
    • arrangement of materials, depth, etc.
  • tantra/yagna
    • complex rituals
    • fires, deities, rituals, etc.

they developed these tools for us to use, they designed the technology

  • its hard for us to make a cell phone
    • but if someone makes it and give it to us, we just use it!



when you do a mantra or yantra, it has to be perfectly precise

  • if you’re putting together a building, if there is a very minor angle change, the stability of the building will be compromised
    • ex. 1 degree angle difference over a long distance
  • most common reason for not seeing results is not being precise enough
  • chant mantra out loud to create physical vibration
    • then start to go into whisper
    • turn from physical dimension to energetic
    • attain state of conciousness where mind & body is inactive
    • then, operating at a high leve, the mantra will manifest
  • in order for something to go into your mind, you can’t be distracted
    • the flow state is when your brain isn’t focused on anything else, it’s moves us out of the physical to a certain level of the mental, then manifestation becomes easier

how do you get to that point?

  • kundalini shati
    • spiritual energy seated at the base of the spine, coiled serpent
    • as the energy rises through the spine and reaches the top of your head, you attain moksha, or liberation
    • as it rises, it raises through the chakras
      • these centers of energies, not physical
      • muladhara - base - governs pleasure & materialism
      • swadisana - relationships
      • manipura - metabolism (things that aren’t me me)
      • anahat - heart - love
      • vishuda - external power - create change
      • agna - intuition & knowledge
      • sahastara - transcendant
    • as energy travels through them, you’ll get certain kinds of manifestations
    • any sadhana you do, if you don’t take care of your spine, it won’t work well
      • won’t see any advantage
    • tantra helps you prepare your vessel
      • mantras don’t work for most people because they just do it in their bedroom, conciously, slumped over, etc.
    • you must do very potent asana, especially around the spine, the channel has to be physically
      • ​​Bhujanga Asana Parvat Asanao Marjaryasanao Bitilasanao Ardha Matsyendrasnao Utrasanao Utkatasanao Verkasana
    • some days, the meditation sucks
    • other days, you just get lost in it
      • this is dhyan - achieved through total concentration, just melding with the object, focus without distraction
      • then you get to shamadi - transcendance
        • this is the beginning of tantric shadana
    • be sahtvic - proper vessel
      • psychoactive substances affect the mind
        • but it’s actually every substance you ingest
      • air you breath, water you drink - ex. - plant aerosols reduce fear and anxiety - certain foods cultivate microbiomes that produce certain neuro transmitters
      • diet
        • no meat
        • minimal preservatives
        • not a lot of fried food
        • no garlic onion or potato
        • certain spices
      • no sex/masturbation
      • proper asana
      • proper pranayama
      • tranquil mind
        • resolve anxiety and depression
      • months and years of doing this, then you’ll have the right state of mind for good tantric manifestation
  • activation of sushumna
    • getting the kundalini to rise
    • 2 nadis -
      • channels for energy flow
      • surya nadi & chandra nadi
        • sun and moon - yang and yin
        • right & left nostrils, sympathetic & parasympathetic
      • normally switch between the two
    • 3rd - sushumna
      • when both of them are open
      • kundalini will rise
      • mostly open at dawn and dusk
      • any time both of your nostirls are equlaly open
        • few moments of time where your nose is switching from one nostril to the other
        • they will both be open - this is when you should do your mantra
      • have your closed nostril opposite the side you’re laying down
        • your other nostril will open between 5 and 15 minutes
        • there’s a brief amount of time both will be open during the transition - susuhumna
        • as you do yogasana - suryanamaskara or nadi vibajahan
          • made for opening sushumna
        • meditate/yantra while sushumna is open
  • legacy of the community
    • dr k does 3rd eye sadhana
    • charging the laser beam
      • first step to opening the bramanadi
    • except, put your attention & intention into the sensation of charging it
      • try to put your conciousness into the straw that comes out of your third eye
      • push into it
    • also, can chant your mantra, mentally is best but you can do physically
    • as you have chill states of mind, weird states of mind, and odd spiritual experiences, the more you want to do your mantra

laying out a practice link you can do la 40 day practice where you adhere to these things

  • prepare the instrument

    • satvic diet (no sex, masturbation, psychoactive substances)
  • spinal asana

    • 6/8-30 minutes of this before meditation
    • (you can do less time as you get better at it)
  • pranayama

    • open sushumna
    • nadi shuddhi
    • kapal bhati
  • tantric sadhana

    • jappa - chanting a mantra
    • have to use rudraks mala
      • rudraks = tear of shiva
    • 9 rounds - 9 malas of ohm
      • 108 x 9
    • slow ohms for 15 minutes
    • not suuuuper important what you do starting out
  • sit in sidhasana or ardhapadmasana or padmasana

  • chin mudra

  • mala of ohm chanting

  • as you do ohm, you’ll notice rising energy

    • don’t focus on the vibration, eventually you’ll want to notice upward energy from your naval to the top of your head
    • and, if you want to do a 3rd eye practice, end the ohm at the third eye
  • even out the ohm - 1/3 - 1/3 - 1/3 at each stage

  • then, turn down the volume

    • then you’ll start to notice things
    • be able to feel sushumna the quieter
    • less distraction in the physical dimension, more attention in the spiritual dimension
  • pure place, done in secret

    • eventually you can feel the spirtual energy of a place
  • meditating once a day is good for physiology, but doing it twice a day is immportant for spirtual growth

kundalini sadana

  • kundalini shakti - 7 chakras

  • goal: kundalini to rise

  • in order to activate the kundalini shakti we can use mantra or yantra

  • each chakra has a mantra and a yantra

  • 40 day commitment of being sahtvic

    • do your normal routine
    • then meditate on the yantra (stare at it) and mantra (pay attention to the vibration/energy rising)
  • practice

    • spinal
    • pranayama
    • chanting ohm while focusing on third eye space, kind of pushing through it


  • these are not deities to have faith in, they’re people you can call on to help you or f- up your life
  • these are beings in the cosmic conciousness - operating on the time scales of the existence and non-existence of the universe
  • ishtedeveta - personal god
    • you may be drawn to a manifestation to supernatural thing
    • first there is the unformed brahman
    • then the first manifestation of brahman is a deity
      • some essences thats a little different, some shape to it
    • ex. kali
      • goddess of time and space
      • kal = time
      • universe has these fundamental qualities, this deity is just the anthropomorphized version
      • “to set and hold in motion”
      • and has a certain mantra - string of bij mantras
        • krim, hum, hrim
      • and a certain yantra
      • but, don’t just go doing this, get a guru
    • what kind of manifestation do you want?
      • material? lakshmi, devi sadhana, tara sadhana