
What is productivity?

  • The management, organization, and ability to do the things you want to do in a more efficient and effective manner
    • Productivity = Output/Input
  • Ali Abdaal defines it as being intentional with your time
    • traditionally “unproductive” things can be “productive” within this approach, ex. scheduling in time to play videogames or watch a show

the parts of productivity

  • organization
  • prioritization
  • time management
  • doing the work
    • getting started
    • keeping going
      • reducing distractions

One of my struggles is in really nailing down the different aspects, the strategies within, and how they interact with one another.

For instance, a lot of strategies fall into the bucket of “what should I be working on right now?” I feel a bit overwhelmed, when I’m planning the week, or when I’m in the moment, knowing that there’s something that I should probably be working on, but am trying to resist distractions of wanting to go look up or investigate some other rabbit hole, or just general energy and motivation to work on the thing in front of me

Also check out: strategies to do things

Cal Newport uses a “plan.txt” file to make his plan for the week, in a free form method.

My Productivity System

The tools I use

see: my tech stack

The system

still trying to figure out this part