My journey

  • Learning hiragana & katakana
    • I started out with Tofugu’s guide on learning hiragana and katakana. I probably took a little longer than most to get through them, but I had a really good feel for hiragana. Katakana, was a bit more iffy though
  • Wani Kani - started October 2022
    • After learning those I dived into wani kani. I signed up for a membership and everything. I got up to level 3, but kinda burned out from it. I was learning some kanji and some vocab, but it didn’t feel right. I would get frustrated with the tool, and it would kill my mood. I realized that I need something with a little bit more context. Reviews would pile up, and I just wasn’t happy with it.
  • I tried doing a lesson in Genki 1, but just wasn’t feeling it.
  • A long break
    • I took a long break, like, a year. Kind of feels bad, if I would have just started and stuck with something, I’d have really good progress by now. But all I can do is start fresh now.
  • Restarting - March 2024
    • I’m pretty comfortable with kana, but it’s something I need to increase speed with. I want to practice for at least 5 minutes twice a day.
    • Main method I’ll be starting out with is the 30 Day Japanese (UsagiSpoon) form TheMoeWay
      • This expects 3 hours a day of practice, which definitely isn’t in the cards for me, but I’ll take it one step at a time
    • I will track all of my time via toggl
    • Starting immersion with Flying Witch - subtitle tutor method
  • April 2024
    • Tried doing the 30 day moe method, but wasn’t really vibing with it, so I dropped it
    • Instead, going back to trying to invest in a good tool for learning, so I started Nativ Shark



Level 1

Japanese ammo with misa

  • absolute beginner lesson playlist
  • Japanese vocab anne tokyo - fun vlogs for beginners

Level 2

  • Tanaka san
  • akane japanese
  • onnomapp