I currently use quartz for hosting my digital garden!

I decided that the core functionality I want to have is sharing my “evergreen notes” with the world. I care less about all of the integrations and customizations, more about reliability and ease of use.

I went with quartz due to the ease of:

  • excluding certain folders (ex. my daily notes & project notes) without having to set a specific “publish” property (didn’t like Obsidian Digital Garden Plugin because of that)
  • Syncing updates
    • I created a Raycast Script that will run the sync functions automatically, I just have to type “sync” into Raycast, and voila!

Would love to be able to use something to export my notes with something like obsidian-export, and then publish them in a more custom way than the digital garden plugin or Obsidian Publish.


  • Automatically translate links from MD to HTML
  • Show Backlinks to current document
  • Able to customize what files come through based on folder, ex. all files in root, exclude folder X,Y
  • Dataview integration - nice to have
  • Automatic

Nice to haves:

  • Show local graph



  • Full vault backup using the “Git” plugin to store in a private github repo
  • Partial export of published notes using obsidian-export to then publish with…? - Actually, going to try quartz first