1. Discipline - first 2 weeks (mid sept)
    • Set up Core place where you document everything, a single place for your commitments
    • Start 3 keystone habits
      • non-trivial, requiring a little effort, but still do-able for everything
      • Cal recommends having one for work, one for health, and one for yourself
  2. Values - 4 weeks (mid oct)
    • “reconnect” with your moral intuition
      • reread something that really spoke to you, something that made you say “wow this is whats important in life”
    • write a first draft of your code
      • roadmap for how you approach your life, during both the good and bad times
    • Rituals
      • regularly connect you to your moral intuition
      • ex. meditiation, weekly hike, volunteering,
  3. Control - 4 weeks (mid nov)
    • Multiscale planning - professional
      • Quarterly plan that you look at every week to create a weekly plan
      • Weekly plan looks at calendar and quarterly plan
      • Every day, Look at the weekly plan and create a timeblock plan
        • see: time menagement video
    • household planning
      • maintenance of the things outside of work
      • full capture
      • be able to reference this when you’re doing your weekly plan, of the adult stuff that you just need to get done
    • automate & eliminate
      • goal is to reduce time spent on things, get info about how long things take, how we spend our time and we can use this information to make our life less busy
      • what things can you get off your mind? scheduling things? getting automated inputs of certain things?
      • eliminate: what things can you just get rid of?
        • ex. “being on this comittee is killing me because of them scheduling these meetings…”
  4. Vision - 6 weeks (till end of Dec)
    • designing for remarkability
    • 1 small
      • one part of your personal life that you totally overhaul for more remarkability
      • ex. a hobby that you want to really get into
      • mix of concrete steps you complete plus new habits & systems, that lead you to a vision that’s more remarkable
      • ex. cinophile
        • steps
          • invest some money into a new basement setup
          • take a cinophile course or get a couple of books
        • habit/system:
          • twice a week scheduled to watch a movie
          • return movies to library
          • find 3 articles ahead of time to prime you
        • longterm goal
          • if i do this for 3 months i’ll go join a film club, i’ll be ready for that
    • plan 1 large
      • one larger aspect, ex. professional, that you plan for a total overhaul in
      • lifestyle plan, scheme to see whats involved