Create a morning routine

for an example: Hendrick spends 30 minutes reading then another half hour working on a single step in business, like registering a domain name or starting a website.

Work in increments

“Work on your passion project in 15-minute increments,” says Debra Eckerling, a productivity coach and author of Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning, and Achieving Your Goals. “While sometimes you need to carve out an entire afternoon to work on big-picture tasks, consistently working in small pockets of time adds up.”

Practice the 5 of 7 rule

Eckerling’s “5 of 7 rule,” which provides the flexibility to decide how many days you can realistically work on your project per week. Most opt for five of seven days, but it can be fewer, too.

Track your progress

“After you complete whatever task during each designated passion project time, make a note about your progress within the appointment,” she says. That way, “at the end of the week or month, if you are frustrated that you didn’t get more done, you can look at your calendar and be proud of your accomplishments and dedication.”

Get enough sleep

“If you’re chronically sleep deprived, you won’t have the energy or the creativity you will need to pick up that side gig at the end of a long day,”