• in order for a book to be good, you have to break all its bones and rebuild it

  • Sanderson loves the first draft process, thats why he’s able to write so much. Its a slow and steady part, which keeps it enjoyable. But it can’t be forces. With revisions, he’s able to stick himself in a room for 10 hours stuck up to a deadline, using “the stick” Its a bright, fast burn with revision, but the process of writing the first draft can’t be treated that way. it needs to be more flow like for him

    • there was something related to this that i read recently, about how rewarding yourself for reading a chapter is bad, it’s not enough. you need to enjoy doing the work for the work’s sake
  • Abercrombie sets out to write the kind of book he’d want to read.

    • someone else said this recently too, but I can’t remember. Something about creating the art you wish you could see - or creating the music you wish you could listen to
  • A chef may have a love of food, and loves all different cuisines, but it behoves him to open a restautant of just one type, then bring in those inspirations to his creations, but still give his customers somethign they expect. reliability, but novelty. a baseline expectation, but novelty and delight on top of that.